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Workflow Management System

Workflow Management system provides the Funds with the tools and information to manage and monitor all volume paperflow throughout the Fund office. The system assigns each task by category (e.g., contribution report), by role (e.g., work history poster), and allows management to oversee the process, measuring quality and productivity. It optimizes procedures, suppressing the reliance of paper (particularly when linked to a document imaging system).


  • Each operator is assigned at least one role.

  • Users are assigned permanent roles. They may also be assigned temporary roles to be used during specific time intervals (e.g., before eligibility is evaluated).

  • A review of the data for each task shows the current or last operator handling that task, as well as a “roadmap” of events associated with it.

  • Tasks may be added to the workflow queue manually (e.g., by the person opening the mail or depositing the remittance checks), or automatically (e.g., from a lockbox transaction file).

  • Tasks may be placed in the workflow queue with normal, high, or urgent priority.

  • Notes may be added to explain the assignment and anything unusual about it.

  • Upon entry into a Workflow managed function, an operator sees a list of tasks currently assigned. The operator may continue one of these tasks, or request assignment of a new task. Only certain roles, e.g., a troubleshooter waiting for feedback from an employer, may get a new assignment without completing the current one.

  • Upon completion of a task, the user assigns the job to the next role in the process, to a specific operator, or returns it to sender (e.g., a troubleshooter may return the task back to person who forwarded it), or marks the job as complete.

  • A management interface allows supervisory operators to review all items in the queue, both assigned and pending. The supervisor may assign unassigned tasks or reassign a task to a different operator.

New York City Office
111 John Street - Suite 1700
New York, NY 10038

Telephone: (212) 989-8787
Toll-Free: (866) 401-3798
Fax: (212) 989-9515

New Jersey Office
9-25 Alling Street - 2nd Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

syn-ton-ic \sin-'tonnik\ adj [Gk syntonos being in harmony, fr.syn- + tonos tone]: 1.normally responsive and adaptive to the social or interpersonal environment. 2. used to describe behavior that does not conflict with somebody's basic attitudes and beliefs and, therefore, is not anxiety-provoking.

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