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Unions and Fund Administration

Membership and Contribution Administration System

SSI's Membership and Contribution Administration System (CAS) is capable of handling all the needs of a fund administrator for single or multi-employer plans.

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COBRA Administration and Direct Pay System

SSI's COBRA Administration System is fully integrated with the Membership and Contribution Administration System. Together these systems track all participants to identify which are entitled to COBRA, inform them of their COBRA rights in user-designed letters, generate invoices or coupon books, and track all payments received. Features of the system include:

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Health Claims Processing System

SSI's Health Claims Processing System is designed to handle the needs of a health benefit's plan administrator. The system is designed with menus which allow the user to easily select the task he or she wishes to perform. The entry screen is a prompted, fill-in-the-blanks operation which guides the user through each transaction. The system is HIPAA compliant for both the privacy and data interchange requirements. The programs are menu-driven, with extensive operator prompting to keep operator training to a minimum. The system can be fully integrated with the separately licensed ClaimCheck claims editing product, an industry standard. The system supports a wide range of reports and additional reports can be generated through Access, Crystal Reports or any standard SQL based reporting function. If the client has an integrated imaging system, there will be easy links throughout the system to retrieve relevant documents, e.g., in the claims history function there would be a link to the actual claim form submitted to the Fund.

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Dental Claims Processing System

SSI's On-line Dental Claims Processing System is capable of handling the needs of a Dental Benefit's plan administrator. The system is designed with menus which allow the users to easily select the task he or she wishes to perform. The entry screen is a prompted, fill-in-the-blanks operation which guides the user through each transaction. The time to learn any transaction type has averaged under one hour.

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Disability Claims Processing System

SSI's Disability and Supplemental Income Claims Processing System (DBL) is designed to handle the needs and functions required for a Fund Administrator. The system gives the user the ability to process either LTD or STD weekly benefits (statutory or otherwise) and can also be used for Supplemental Income claims or Death Benefits. If the client has an integrated imaging system, there will be easy links throughout the system to retrieve relevant documents, e.g., the actual claim form.

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Optical Voucher System

SSI’s On-Line Optical Voucher System is designed to handle all aspects of Voucher Creation and Payment.

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Pension Payment System

SSI's Pension Payment System (PPS) in combination with the Pension Calculation System (PCS), with which it is tightly integrated, are capable of handling all aspects of the administration of a Defined Benefit Pension Fund. Basic participant demographic data is stored in the Participant Database eliminating any redundant data. PPS prints and sorts monthly pension checks, and handles Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for pensioners that select that option. PPS is integrated with the Bank Reconciliation system and the Positive Pay Process. The system generates multiple reports that satisfy ERISA regulations, creates annual actuarial valuation data and 1099R tax forms. If the client has an integrated imaging system, there will be easy links throughout the system to retrieve relevant documents, e.g., if a QDRO is in effect one would be able to link to see the actual court order.

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Pension Calculation System

SSI's Pension Calculation System (PCS) is designed to give the Pension fund staff access to all information relating to pension estimates or application requests, verify eligibility and to perform the actual pension estimate or calculation automatically based upon plan rules. The system reduces the time and paperwork involved in the production of estimates and calculations, and provides easily accessible references and audit trails for this information.

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Defined Contribution Processing System

SSI's Defined Contribution System administers the individual participant accounts of any type of Defined Contribution Fund. It is able to track all transactions for any employer/employee contributory type accounts such as Annuity Funds, 401K’s, Vacation, Holiday, Supplemental Benefit Plans or Payroll Savings Plans. It offers full support for loan issuance and repayment.

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Bank Reconciliation System

SSI's Bank Reconciliation System is designed to manage all the check transactions produced by any of SSI’s other software systems for reconciliation with any or all bank accounts maintained.

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Positive Pay System

Positive Pay Processing (PPP) offers the Funds enhanced security and protection for checks issued against any of its bank accounts by taking advantage of the banks’ positive pay capabilities. As soon as checks are generated, and before they are mailed, the positive pay file is electronically transferred to the bank. PPP enables the banks to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions and, in turn, protects the Funds.

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Medicare Reimbursement System

SSI's ON-LINE Medicare Reimbursement Processing System is designed to provide the functional requirements needed of a Fund Administrator. The System will handle the process of verifying eligibility, producing reimbursement checks, maintaining data on eligible members and printing checks. In addition, the Reimbursement System provides for the printing of check registers, mailing labels, a verification list of members to be paid each period, reporting of year-to-date totals paid to each member and various statistical data for actuarial and management reporting.

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Dues Processing System

SSI's Dues Processing System is designed to keep track of member's dues payments and report on delinquencies.

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Accounts Payable System

SSI's Accounts Payable System is a proven, field-tested windows based GUI system currently in use at many of our client sites. If the client has an integrated imaging system, there will be easy links throughout the system to retrieve relevant documents, e.g., when displaying an invoice record one would be able to display the image of the original invoice.

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Payroll System

SSI's Payroll System is a proven, field-tested windows based GUI system currently in use at many of our client sites. If the client has an integrated imaging system, there will be easy links throughout the system to retrieve relevant documents, e.g., when displaying an employee record one would be able to display the image of that employee’s W-4.

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General Ledger System

SSI's General Ledger System is a proven, field-tested windows based GUI system currently in use at many of our client sites. If the client has an integrated imaging system, there will be easy links throughout the system to retrieve relevant documents, e.g., when displaying a ledger transaction one would be able to display the image of any instructions to make that transaction from the CPA.

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Workflow Management System

Workflow Management system provides the Funds with the tools and information to manage and monitor all volume paperflow throughout the Fund office. The system assigns each task by category (e.g., contribution report), by role (e.g., work history poster), and allows management to oversee the process, measuring quality and productivity. It optimizes procedures, suppressing the reliance of paper (particularly when linked to a document imaging system).

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New York City Office
111 John Street - Suite 1700
New York, NY 10038

Telephone: (212) 989-8787
Toll-Free: (866) 401-3798
Fax: (212) 989-9515

New Jersey Office
9-25 Alling Street - 2nd Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

syn-ton-ic \sin-'tonnik\ adj [Gk syntonos being in harmony, fr.syn- + tonos tone]: 1.normally responsive and adaptive to the social or interpersonal environment. 2. used to describe behavior that does not conflict with somebody's basic attitudes and beliefs and, therefore, is not anxiety-provoking.

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