Payroll System
SSI's Payroll System is a proven, field-tested windows based GUI system currently in use at many of our client sites. If the client has an integrated imaging system, there will be easy links throughout the system to retrieve relevant documents, e.g., when displaying an employee record one would be able to display the image of that employee’s W-4.
The Payroll System includes the following features:
1. The System can handle multi-company or multi-Fund payrolls. Separate employee files are maintained for each entity.
2. The System can subdivide employees by DEPARTMENT and produce payroll registers by department. The System also permits MULTI-DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATION for individual employees.
3. The System maintains PERSONNEL DATA for each employee, such as date of last raise, last review, emergency contact and phone number, position or title.
4. An employee ALPHA SEARCH permits easy look-up of employee ID numbers.
5. The System maintains a CHANGE LOG showing all changes to the employee master file.
6. The System provides for the entry of MULTIPLE STATE AND CITY TAX TABLES, in addition to the entry of the federal tax tables. Tax tables are accessible and adjustable when tax rates change. New tax rates can be entered as they are known in anticipation of the effective date of the rate. The system will automatically use the appropriate table. The system uses the percentage or exact calculation method for computing the withholding amounts. The System maintains all necessary information to accommodate employees who move from one taxing jurisdiction to another.
7. The user can define deductions, other than withholding taxes, FICA and state disability. Up to fifteen deductions can be taken by an employee in any quarter, and up to thirty different deductions can be taken for all employees in one pay run. For each deduction, a specific or annual dollar limit may be set. Deductions may be taken from gross, gross less FICA, net pay, or regular pay only. This permits the user to deduct for such items as deferred compensation plans, loan repayments, employee purchases, or wage garnishment.
8. The System allows for daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly pay periods. Wages for an employee can be entered on a salary or hourly basis. Up to three different hourly rates can be defined for different types of work. The System can handle different pay periods for different types of employees, such as hourly employees paid weekly or salaried employees paid semi-monthly. Furthermore, a variable hourly rate may be defined for certain employees, based on a base salary divided by hours worked.
9. The user may display quarter-to-date, year-to-date, and last year's hours and earnings for any employee.
10. The System AUTOMATICALLY TRANSFERS the information collected in the Payroll System to the General Ledger System.
11. A User's Guide, which explains system procedures and screen prompts, is provided.
And more specifically . . .
12. The user can specify overtime, holiday and vacation pay rate factors.
13. The System can handle the reimbursement of employee expenses.
14. The System can handle miscellaneous earnings.
15. The System can accumulate sick, personal and vacation hours for each employee and the total can be compared to the employee's allowance of hours.
16. The System maintains employee telephone numbers, including work numbers with extensions.
17. The System provides for special processing for students.
18. The System allows the user to enter a base wage for an hourly employee, and have the System calculate a weekly wage, based on the number of hours previously defined. The System will also calculate the overtime and holiday rates, based on previously entered regular rates and factors. The user has the option of entering the hourly rate directly.
19. The user has the ability to adjust system calculated pay figures prior to the printing of paychecks, with complete security controls.
20. The net amount of the check is written in words on the check.
21. A separate box is provided on the check stub for the name and amount of each deduction that was taken.
22. The System provides for the break-down of coin and dollar denominations for companies that pay in cash. A pay check stub may be printed for these cash payments.
23. The System provides for the automatic voiding of duplicate checks.
24. A Check Register will automatically be printed after the checks are printed and EFT payments initiated. The system also supports "positive pay" reporting to the bank to prevent fraud.
25. Attendance, Payroll, and Deduction Registers will automatically be printed each pay period. Year-to-date earnings and department totals will appear on the registers.
26. The System provides for manual check processing. The check and pay detail will appear on the Payroll and Check Registers.
27. The System provides the user with the ability to VOID a check, with the proper security clearance. Voided checks will appear on the Payroll and Check Registers.
28. The System prepares W-2s for all employees, including employees who have been terminated during the year.
29. The System provides quarterly tax reports, including the Unemployment Report, for all federal, state and local taxes.