Accounts Payable System
SSI's Accounts Payable System is a proven, field-tested windows based GUI system currently in use at many of our client sites. If the client has an integrated imaging system, there will be easy links throughout the system to retrieve relevant documents, e.g., when displaying an invoice record one would be able to display the image of the original invoice.
The Accounts Payable System includes the following features:
1. The System provides for full open-item accounting.
2. The System can handle a full multi-company or multi-Fund environment.
3. The System can expense an invoice amount among up to twelve General Ledger accounts. This expense distribution can be made by dollar amount or by percent, or use the vendor default account(s). A report of the expense distribution can be printed upon request.
4. A Cash Requirements Report is produced prior to the printing of checks or generating an EFT submission. This report is a helpful aid in determining to whom payments should be made or deferred, before checks are printed.
5. The System provides for complete audit trails which show the date of entry for each transaction, the date of posting for each transaction, and the identity of the user who entered each transaction.
6. The System can display on a screen or print a report of all vouchers for a given vendor, or of all transactions for a given voucher.
7. The System automatically transfers the information collected in the Payables System to the General Ledger System. A list of the transactions to the General Ledger accounts can be printed on request.
8. A User's Guide, which explains system procedures and screen prompts, is provided.
And more specifically . . .
9. The System automatically assigns a voucher number to each new transaction.
10. The System provides for the handling of different types of transactions (i.e., manual payments, credit memos, adjustments, voids, etc.), against one voucher.
11. At the end of each transaction entry session, a voucher "edit" list that shows all new transactions is printed to permit verification of the data by the user.
12.Voucher amounts can be input or computed by recording hours worked and a vendor
hourly pay rate.
13. The user can make corrections to the entered transactions before they are posted to the payables file. A list of posted transactions can be produced for each posting run.
14. The user can define his own payment terms, including regular terms, discount terms, end-of-month terms, installments and revolving charges.
15. The user can choose to pay vouchers that are not automatically selected for payment by the System. (System selection is based on invoice due date or invoice payment terms.) In addition, the user can choose to defer the payment of certain vouchers automatically selected by the System for payment, or partially pay those vouchers.
16. Checks or EFT records are automatically produced for the selected vouchers. The System can produce one check per vendor when there are multiple vouchers for a vendor. The remittance advice accompanying each check shows voucher numbers, invoice numbers, credit numbers, comments on the transactions, and the account number assigned to the user by the vendor. The system also supports "positive pay" reporting to the bank to prevent fraud.
17. The check amount is written in words on the check.
18. The System allows the user to make payments from more than one checking account, and to assign a maximum dollar limit to a check, for each checking account.
19. A check register is automatically printed after the checks are produced.
20. The user can record manual payments at any time, covering up to twelve different vouchers. Prepayments may also be recorded and later applied to particular vouchers.
21. "Manual" checks can be printed on the system printer, thus allowing the user to print checks on demand.
And regarding vendors . . .
23. The System maintains vendor name and address, and additional items, including the following:
a. Multiple "Pay-To" codes within a vendor organization.
b. Standard payment terms offered to the user by each vendor. Terms will be interpreted by the Cash Requirements program. Payment terms can also be entered for each voucher.
c. Comments and notes on the vendor.
d. Vendor types (defined by the user).
e. Status (e.g., hold payment indicators).
f. Two telephone numbers and a contact person.
g. Tax Identification Number and type of 1099, where appropriate.
h. Typical general ledger accounts to be used, and optionally a percentage breakdown between them.
24. The user can use the vendor name to look-up the vendor number. This "alpha search" can be invoked either as a separate function, during voucher entry, or during vendor look-up.
25. A summary record, showing the number of purchases and the dollar amount of purchases, payments and credits in each accounting period is maintained for each vendor. This information can be displayed on a screen.
26. The System maintains a complete vendor change log with who made the change, when it was made and the before and after values in the file.
27. The System provides an option that allows for the adding of new vendors during voucher entry, however, this ability is controlled by security features of the System.
28. The System provides for reports of vendors grouped by user-defined Vendor Types.
29. The System will automatically print 1099s at the end of the year for vendors, where this is appropriate.